The USNA Class of 1970 Annual Meeting was held on October 20, 2018
1. Class Meeting Called to Order – Class Treasurer for Vice President:
Class President Mike Novak (whistled meeting to order) at 1400 during the Navy - Houston Tailgate.
2. Welcome – Class Treasurer Ed Moore:
Ed Moore welcomed all and made his opening remarks.
3. Introduction of any VIPs or Special Guests in attendance (Announce and Recognize Board of Trustees Members):
Ed Moore recognized VIP Cutler Dawson when he arrived. BOT members present included Cutler Dawson, Gary Knight, Bob Sonnenberg, Nubi Knudsen, Terry Huff, Pat Dawson, Gerry Farrell, Dave Martin, and Grant Thorpe.
4. Treasurer’s Report – Class Treasurer:
Ed Moore stated the class was solvent with the following amounts available as of 9/30/18:
Fund | Balance |
1970 Capstone Seminar | $403,319 |
1970 Cyber Program | $289,289 |
1970 Ethics Leadership | $352,962 |
1970 Athletics Excellence | $118,483 |
Hopper Portrait | ($111) |
SEL Award | $8,973 |
Project Undesignated | $327 |
1970 Class Checking | $48,220 |
Total | $1,221,462 |
5. Class Membership Report - Class Membership Secretary:
Class Membership in Alumni Association: 60%
Basically, the same as last year: 63% members, 3% annual members, and 60% life members. Dues currently as follows: (1) annual = $709; (2) 3 years = $195; Life = $395. Will check with AA to see if it’s worthwhile to run a membership campaign for the 50th reunion.
6. Report on the deaths of Classmates since our last annual meeting in 2016:
Ed Moore reported that we lost 12 classmates in the past year (since 2018 annual meeting). We have lost 177 classmates to date, at least that we are aware of. Breakdown is 106 grads, 71 non-grads. Note that our class website Memorial Page provides a link to all obits we have on file. If you know of any others, please contact Ed Moore.
- Bruce Stevens (22nd Co)
- Bob Mackey (18th Co)
- Randall Rankin (3rd Co)
- William Webb (20th Co)
- John Marino (22nd Co)
- Gene Sladinski (22nd Co)
- Bob Blount (23rd Co)
- Skip Deltete (27th Co
- Charles Elliott (18th Co)
- Roy Golez (23rd Co)
- Steve Coleman (22nd Co)
- Kim Foster (33rd Co)
7. Corresponding Secretary’s Report - Gino Marchetti for Royal Connell:
Simple message- write and send pictures. Royal sends: “Remember Faces not Feet! Keep those cards and letters coming folks. I even accept Christmas letters.” New address:
31 Cabaniss Crescent, Apt 3
Pensacola FL 32508
8. Class Fundraising Committee Report - Grant Thorpe (Board of Trustees):
The total amounts pledged and paid as of 15 October 2018 are:
Fund | Balance |
Ethics Leadership: | $353,311 |
Athletic Excellence DAF: | $$11,300 |
Athletic Excellence: | $262,951 |
Naval Academy Fund: | $1,221,245 |
Cyber Program Support: | $290,922 |
Total | $2,142,728 |
Glaring stat is that 56% have not contributed. Ethics and Cyber are behind in contribution pace.
9. Reunion Committee Report - Gary Knight (BoT):
First meeting was held last month. Decision is for no band, but a DJ playing period mood music. Currently, looking at viable venues for dinner: Hotel Annapolis, Dahlgren and Alumni Hall. More as we uncover details……
10. Reunion Hotel Report - Gino Marchetti for Carl Wick (BoT):
As you all know we have a contract with Hotel Annapolis, formerly Loews, for 150 rooms. Those rooms are all reserved at this time. Other hotels with courtesy contracts include Crowne Plaza and Annapolis Historic Inns. These contracts provide an initial 20 rooms each and will add rooms in two-room increments when the initial 20 room quota is filled. Please note that these hotels cannot take reservations more than one year in advance, so classmates should wait until next Fall to register at these hotels. We believe that condition extends to other hotels in the area. We will send a reminder next Fall well in advance to book rooms at our contracted hotels.
11. Tailgate Report - Gino Marchetti:
Offered every season at regular home games in space #44 on the SW side of the stadium. We have a pre-set menu for each game with food brought by classmates, spouses, and guests. We have had 4 home games to date with one tailgate left for the Tulsa game in November at 3:30pm. Attendance has been good, averaging 60+ per home game, including 12-15 members of the class of 2020 (ALITC). Expect to close out 2017 home stand on Nov 17 with traditional hot soup menu. 75% of tent and space costs recovered. As you know, our costs for these resources went up significantly this year so we have had to these costs along to those who attend tailgates. I am highly indebted to several classmates and their spouses for the success of our tailgates, primarily: Grant and Kathy Thorpe, Tom and Pat bender, Jim and Marie Carter, Terry and Jeannie Bidnick, and, most of all, my wife, Kathy.
12. Army Navy Tailgate - Barry Steelman (BoT):
As you may recall, Barry Steelman retired from organizing and coordinating the annual Army game tailgates, regardless of venue. Accordingly, there is no current formal plan for a tailgate in Philly this year. However, recently, a classmate suggested we rent an RV and provide a no-host site for a tailgate. This suggestion will be investigated further and we’ll solicit participation to test its feasibility. More at 11…..
13. Capstone Report - Gary Knight (BoT):
Capstone is alive and well. Well attended by us. We give preference to non-locals and first-timers, so sign up when advertised!
14. Another Link in the Chain Committee Report - Gary Knight:
2020 Ring Dance is the next major event. All are invited! Saturday before graduation. Look for the date!
15. Distinguished Graduate Award Update - Class President Mike Novak:
Five classmates have received the DGA, but we are looking for more. Two nominations are in the hopper for this year (Woody Sutton and Mike Malone). Leo Williams and Ron Machtley sitting it out for now.
16. Discussion of Guidelines and Criteria for Honorary Class of 1970 Membership – Bob Sonnenberg (BoT)
Rules were re-written and were approved. Ed put them on the class website. This item should be complete at this point.
17. Status of Hopper Hall Items (Grace Hopper Portrait, USS HOPPER Battle Ensign) – Bob Sonnenberg (BoT)
Portrait accepted by Bob Sonnenberg, Gino Marchetti and Ed Moore. Battle flag from HOPPER is onboard and awaiting to be flown in Hopper Hall once open.
18. Senior Enlisted Leadership (SEL) Award – Bob Sonnenberg (BoT)
Award is in place, but funds still lacking to fully fund the award. First award was this past April.
19. American Veterans Conference Attendance by Midshipmen and Classmates - Barry Steelman (BoT) Input
Barry Steelman absent. John Montgomery vouched that this is a great event, happening next week.
20. Old Business (if any):
None noted.
21. New Business (open to floor):
None noted.
22. Adjourn until annual meeting at 2019 Homecoming:
Motion moved, seconded and passed. Meeting adjourned at 1435 until the 2019 Annual Meeting.
Updated: October 24, 2018
Curator: Ed Moore